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Uncommon Sources Of Clutter In Your Apartment

Jan 22nd, 2024

It happens quickly, doesn’t it? Suddenly your clean, tidy apartment becomes a cluttered mess, and you’re not really sure where the cluttered feeling comes from.

Clutter is more than goodies sprinkled over your dining room table, clothes piled up on the chair, stacks of paper on your desk or knick-knacks on your counter. It’s anything that takes up space where you don’t want space taken up; like, for example, too many mismatched spoons in your drawer making it difficult to stack silverware neatly. And sure, it looks different to everyone, but we can almost guarantee that there’s some clutter in your life that you may not even be aware of. 

Here are just a few of the sources of clutter in an apartment that can start invading our livelihood — as well as the ways you can get them under control!

Unmasking hidden mess in your apartment

Unwanted gifts

We've all been there: that awkward moment when a well-meaning relative gives a gift that is just… so not you. It could be a piece of ugly wall décor, a tablecloth you’ll never use or a hand-knitted sweater in a shade no human should wear. These unwanted gifts, laden with sentimental guilt, tend to languish in the back of cabinets or on the highest shelf, gathering dust and taunting us with accusations of ingratitude.

Declutter strategy

Be honest, would you truly miss it if it were gone? If not, thank the giver for the thought (in your head, if necessary), then donate, sell or repurpose it. Turn that questionable sweater into a cozy throw pillow, or use that decorative plate as a serving platter for a potluck. Remember, giving an item a new life honors the spirit of the gift while also decluttering your space.

Digital dust bunnies

Our laptops and phones are virtual havens for clutter, accumulating a digital dust bunny army of unused apps, forgotten downloads and photos in perpetual hibernation. This invisible mess not only hogs precious storage space but also slows down machine performance and weighs down on our minds.

Declutter strategy

Unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe! Go on a ruthless app-ectomy, trash those email newsletters you never read and unsubscribe from inactive social media accounts. Go on a filing spree and organize photos, documents and downloads into folders with clear names and regular backups. Most cloud-based storage can do that for you nowadays anyway, so take advantage of the sorting features available!

Finally, review your apps regularly; delete unused ones and consolidate those with overlapping functions. A clutter-free phone is a happy phone!

Forgotten crafts

Remember that burst of enthusiasm for macramé? Or the grand vision of a hand-painted masterpiece that never materialized? Crafting supplies, once brimming with creative potential, can quickly become a tangled web of forgotten projects and half-used materials.

Declutter strategy

Be realistic about your crafting habits. Do you truly enjoy making things, or was it just a fleeting fancy? If it's the latter, donate your barely-touched supplies to schools, community centers, or even crafty friends. Keep only the essentials for projects you genuinely plan to tackle, and be honest with yourself – sometimes, letting go of the "what-ifs" is the most creative act of all. 

Invest in storage solutions like labeled bins and organizers to keep your remaining supplies accessible and prevent them from morphing into a chaotic creative explosion. And remember, you can always go buy more supplies if you really need to.

Sentimental struggles

Ticket stubs, childhood trophies, that chipped mug Grandma gave you — sentimental items hold memories close, but sometimes they also hold onto too much space. Clutter can actually hinder our enjoyment of these keepsakes, making them feel more like obligations than treasures.

Declutter strategy

Curate your keepsakes with intention. Choose a handful of items that truly spark joy and evoke precious memories. Store them safely and display them proudly. For the rest, take photos or scan them, creating a digital memory box that frees up physical space while preserving the sentiment. Remember, memories live on in our hearts, not just on our shelves.

It’s also okay to let things go, both literally and figuratively. Acknowledge the sentimental value but recognize that memories can live on even if the physical object is no longer present. Donate or gift those items to others who might cherish them.

Expired beauty products

That half-empty bottle of foundation from 2019, the mascara wand with crusty mascara tears, that bit of face cream that’s gone all crusty on the edges... expired beauty products not only take up space but can also be harmful to your skin! Plus, they needlessly take up space in your closet or on your bathroom counter.

Declutter strategy

Regularly audit your beauty stash and ruthlessly discard anything past its prime. Remember, expired products can lose their effectiveness and even cause skin irritation.

Avoid impulse purchases in the first place by requesting samples or utilizing tester stations at stores before committing to full-size products. If you aren’t too picky about your beauty routine, then opt for multi-purpose products that can tackle multiple tasks, reducing clutter and streamlining your routine.

Old tech

Think obsolete chargers, tangled earbud wires (RIP to the earbud plug) and that bulky desktop computer you haven't touched in years — outdated technology can quickly become a tangled mess. And not only is it an eyesore, but it can also be a security risk.

Declutter strategy

Assess your tech needs honestly. Do you really need that third printer cable? Can you replace that bulky desktop with your sleek laptop? Recycle or responsibly dispose of outdated tech and invest in versatile, up-to-date gadgets that serve your current needs and can stay up-to-date with digital security.

Utensils galore

Remember that time you needed a melon baller for a one-time recipe? Or that cherry pitter that seemed like a brilliant idea at a clearance sale? These single-use wonders can quickly turn your once-organized drawer into a culinary black hole.

Declutter strategy

Utensils can really take up a lot of space in your kitchen — but they don’t have to! Invest in a set of quality utensils that match each other and can stack into themselves, if possible. Not only will they take up less space, but the matchy-ness will make any clutter look more organized and streamlined. 

Embrace the "one-pan wonder" and invest in versatile tools that can handle multiple tasks, like a slotted spoon that doubles as a spatula, or a sturdy pan that can bake, sauté or braise. Donate or sell duplicates or rarely-used gadgets and give them a second chance to shine in someone else's kitchen.

Don't forget to celebrate your victories! Every empty drawer, every donated gadget and every decluttered shelf is a step towards a more serene and organized you. So cheers to decluttering, and may your apartment always be free from the cruel clutches of clutter!

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Featured photo by Angel Balashev on Unsplash

Author of Article

Colleen Ford is a South African who now lives on Oahu in Hawai'i. She loves to travel, camp, spearfish and hike. She's also part of a super cool canoe club and is pretty decent at it. Colleen enjoys Star Wars and also not being cold ever.

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