Luxury apartment living is all about convenience, comfort, and pleasure. You probably already know the environment in which you live has a strong affect on your quality of life, but did you know houseplants can have a positive affect on the atmosphere in a home? Plant and maintain some low-maintenance perennials and succulents in your luxury apartment, and enjoy the following benefits.
Enhance Aesthetic
Perhaps the most obvious benefit of incorporating plants into the design of your luxury apartment is they look nice. Most house plants are design versatile, and many can be used to accomplish a desired theme. Plants are particularly helpful for luxury apartment dwellers whose design preferences are driven by the art of feng shui.
Improve Indoor Air Quality
The relationship between humans and most plants is a symbiotic one. Plants generate oxygen-rich air of the kind we need to survive by absorbing the carbon dioxide gas we exhale, and vice versa. Plants also eliminate volatile organic compounds and other toxins in the air. Houseplants that are especially useful for improving indoor air quality include dracaenas, Chinese evergreens, English Ivy, weeping figs, and other bonsais.
Reduce Stress
Through the positive affect plants have on physical and mental health, they can be a strong force for relieving stress. This has long been assumed by experts in fields ranging from horticulture to psychology, and has recently been proven through several trustworthy research experiments. The Arrowhead vine, Chinese evergreen, purple waffle plant, English ivy, and waxy leaved plant are believed to be among the plants with the highest stress-relieving powers.
Increase Humidity
Since plants release moisture vapor into the air as part of their natural life cycle, they boost humidity levels in the luxury apartments in which they are found. This can help people who struggle with cracked or dry skin, and is also good for sore throats and coughs. With could and flu season setting in, now is a great time to introduce houseplants.
Promote Focus
Plants are becoming increasingly popular in classrooms and office settings. Chances are this trend is linked to the release of data from several studies suggesting plants can help sharpen a person’s focus. One study, by the Royal College of Agriculture in England, found students’ attentiveness increases by 70 percent when they are taught in a classroom with plants as opposed to one without. Student attendance also increases when plants are present. If you ever plan to work or study in your luxury apartment, be sure to add a few plants to your work space.
There are many ways in which you can improve the atmosphere of your luxury apartment home, but few of them have benefits as all-encompassing as introducing houseplants. Take a trip to your local nursery or home improvement store, and ask a vendor about any low-maintenance, apartment home-appropriate plants they have. Before you know it, you will Live Life + Love Life in your luxury apartment home even more than you already do.