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Six Essential Tips for a Crosstown Apartment Move

Jan 17th, 2014

There are several reasons why people move from one side of town to another. From a growing family to a job relocation to adding a pet to your household to upgrading from a studio to a one- or two-bedroom apartment. No matter your reason for  packing up and reshuffling to a new part of town, this guide can help you move in an efficient, low-stress, and organized fashion.

1. Collect Boxes Early

If you start collecting boxes well in advance of your move, you may be able to secure enough to spare the expense of buying any. Let friends and coworkers know you are on the lookout for boxes, and ask your favorite supermarket clerk if the store has any empties it can spare. One thing I like to do is buy plastic storage containers. They come in all different shapes and sizes, and not only will help your valuables stay in tact, but they are reusable and come in handy if you need to store anything. You can find them at Target, Walmart, the Container Store, or even Amazon.

2. Sort Through Your Belongings

To get the most from the energy you put into your move, make it a time for consolidation and reorganization. As you go through your belongings, create piles marked “keep,” “donate,” and “toss.”  The more you get rid of, the less you will have to move, the lighter the load.

3. Leave Clothes on Hangers and in Drawers

Once you have sorted through your wardrobe and decided what’s coming with you, you can begin packing up your closet. To spare yourself loads of unnecessary laundry, ironing, or dry cleaning expenses, leave your clothes on hangers and in your drawers. To protect clothes on hangers, wrap plastic trash bags around bundles of them and ensure no heavy objects are placed on top of them during the move.

4. Keep Essentials Separate

Make a list of things you think you’ll need during or shortly after the move, including toiletries, a change of clothes, and tools essential to the unpacking process. Pack these items in a suitcase, bin, or box kept separate from everything else going with you.

5. Hire Movers

If you have access to a truck, family, and friends who live nearby and are happy to help you move, you may not need to hire a mover. However, most professional moving services save you a great deal of time and hassle. Just be sure to do your research and hire a legitimate company with real experience and a penchant for customer satisfaction. Consider an AMLI moving partner to save some money in the process.

6. Take the Time You Need

Packing, moving, and unpacking is exhausting. Most people find they can work more efficiently if they take occasional breaks throughout the process. If you can, arrange your schedule so you will not be rushed or hounded with other responsibilities during and shortly after your move. You’ll want to take time to enjoy the luxurious amenities in your new apartment community.

If you happen to be moving across the country rather than from one side of town to the other, there are additional tips you should follow. Keep your eyes peeled for a follow-up blog post offering advice on cross-country moves in the coming weeks. Why not subscribe to the AMLI blog to make sure you never miss a helpful moving tips post.

What did we miss? What are some other important crosstown moving tips?

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