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See the #amlimilestones Contest Winners

Oct 6th, 2023

Life's milestones come in many forms, and the journeys to get there vary widely. These paths are often quite personal, marked by long hours, glow ups and setbacks, joys, hardships and sometimes a complete surprise. True milestones mark less so the achievement involved, than the opening of a new path altogether, a new journey toward new possibilities, new horizons that were not available previously.

Where you live during these times helps color and shape the memories of these occasions. To recognize this, we at AMLI held the #amlimilestones contest to recognize our residents' greatest achievements while living at our communities across the country.

From September 18-29 , we tasked AMLI residents with posting their #amlimilestones to show off the best of the best from their personal highlight reels to Instagram. Over 300 posts were entered into the #amlimilestones contest, and the posts residents offered ran the gamut. From bringing home first newborns to outstanding career achievements to 50-year wedding anniversaries, AMLI residents shared their favorite accomplishments while living at their AMLI community.

Those who were reposted to the @amliapts Instagram account were selected as finalists. And the winning votes from our AMLI judges are in. One grand prize winner is taking home up to $1,000 in E-rewards and eight regional winners will receive up to $200 in E-rewards.

Huge thanks to all who entered the #amlimilestones contest! Without further adieu, here are the winners.

Grand Prize Winner: @thewineychild's 1-year anniversary at AMLI Old 4th Ward in Atlanta

Regional Winners

Atlanta: @sinfulhearts' proposal on the AMLI 3464 rooftop

Austin: It's a girl! @livdacity's new addition to the family at AMLI Lakeline

Chicago: @brettbalmer's homecoming for new puppy Coltrane at AMLI Lofts

Dallas: @dowehaveadill's proposal "on top of the world" at AMLI Fountain Place

Denver: @thesavagegirl passing her bar exam at AMLI Denargo Market

Seattle: @ty_kimchi's first wedding anniversary at AMLI Arc

Southern California: @z.o.e.the.beagle meeting her new baby brother at AMLI Old Pasadena

South Florida: The first birthday of @pdubco's son at AMLI Joya

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