Green living is all the rage these days, and it is a trend that is unlikely to be short-lived. The more eco-conscious consumers become, the more they realize that working to reduce one’s carbon footprint can save money and improve one’s quality of life. If you are an apartment dweller who is looking to live an environmentally friendly life in your upscale apartment community without compromising on comfort or giving up the conveniences you enjoy, take the following advice to heart.
Turn Off The Lights
I know, I know, you’ve heard this before. But are you putting it into practice? With a tiny flick of your finger, you can turn off the lights and save a bit on your electricity bill too! As you move throughout your apartment, turn the lights off behind you.
Watch Your Waste
Landfill space is running low in the United States; and trash can harm soil and groundwater, as well as pose threats to wildlife. Purchase reusable and recyclable materials whenever possible, reuse plastic bags and containers, and try to gift or donate functional possessions before chucking them in the garbage bin.
Reduce Water Consumption
You do not have to forgo showering or consign yourself to eternal thirst in order to cut down on your water use. Be conscious of your monthly water consumption and each month try to use a bit less. Another way to cut back on water use is to only run the dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load of dishes or laundry to clean.
Exercise Thermostat Control
If you read this heading as “live uncomfortably at home,” then pay close attention. Setting your thermostat as close to the outdoor temperature as possible while you are at work can reduce the energy used to heat and cool your apartment by up to 20%. With a programmable thermostat, you can arrange to have the heat kick back in thirty minutes before you plan to arrive home from work. By the time you return to your apartment each day, it will already be heated or cooled to your desired temperature.
Introduce Plants Into Your Home
Houseplants will bring life to your apartment. They add a nice touch to just about any design scheme, improve air quality by taking in carbon dioxide and transforming it into fresh oxygen for you to breath; and can even help keep your apartment a bit warmer in the wintertime. Low-maintenance houseplants that grow well in a variety of climes include Jade plants, peace lilies, lucky bamboo, and philodendrons.
Green living is important to us, and we hope that it is important to you too. To learn more about how AMLI’s commitment to sustainability, visit this page.