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Results of the 2022 AMLI Sustainable Living Index

Jul 14th, 2022

We are grateful for all the residents who completed AMLI’s fifth Sustainability Living Index survey this year. We have read your responses and appreciate you taking the time to share your perspectives. We are delighted to hear that our sustainability initiatives have improved many of your living experiences and value your feedback on how we can do even better.

Our residents’ green feedback matters

Residents are focused on recycling

Each year we have conducted this survey, recycling has emerged as a favorite green feature. This year, 92% of our residents said they recycle, and we see a clear space for AMLI to prioritize improvements. After our first survey in 2017, AMLI created a robust toolkit of solutions for improving recycling services. Since then, many of our communities have made changes such as adding specialty recycling options for batteries, compact fluorescent lights or other hard-to-recycle materials. We have also worked to increase the convenience of recycling and make improvements to treat recycling areas like an amenity space.

Resident feedback in following years has helped us identify other areas where we can improve such as better communication about what can be recycled. To address this, AMLI has adopted Recycle Across America signage, which is developed by a non-profit organization that specializes in creating a national standard of easy-to-understand recycling signage. We are also always glad to answer your questions on what is accepted in your community’s recycling program. Last year, we continued to make strides and announced environmental targets for our portfolio, including a goal to increase waste diversion 15% by 2030. This will encourage more communities to expand recycling programs and/or add a composting program. Further feedback from residents this year will help us implement new solutions at our communities across the country.

Recycling area before resident feedback

Outdoor recycling area outside of a parking garage at an AMLI apartment community

Recycling area after resident feedback

Mixed recycling area at AMLI Lindbergh containing several green recycling bins

Electric vehicle charging stations on the rise

In recent years, we have seen a dramatic increase in residents requesting electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Expanding the number of EV chargers at our communities is a top priority as an increasing number of our residents are making the green choice to use an electric vehicle. The results of this survey show that 56% of residents expect to be driving an electric car or a plug-in hybrid within five years. Understanding this helps to spur faster installations at existing communities and constructing new communities with larger EV stations.  

Climate change remains a concern

88% of our residents reported that they are concerned about climate change. AMLI is working to reduce our impact on the environment. We have ambitious environmental goals, including a plan to reduce AMLI’s greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030. Since 2016, we have already been able to reduce AMLI’s greenhouse gas emissions 33%! While many initiatives supported this reduction, a few key factors were upgrading lighting to LED bulbs, installing rooftop solar panels at several communities and purchasing renewable energy for all our common areas in all of Dallas and Houston. Achieving this goal will require additional energy reductions and expansion of our renewable energy initiatives. As part of this focus, AMLI has set a goal to source 15% of our energy use from renewable sources by 2030. Growing the number of rooftop solar installations in our portfolio will help us meet this goal, as will the growing demand from residents to add solar panels to more communities. To learn more about AMLI’s sustainability initiatives, visit the Sustainability page on our website and view our most recent Corporate Responsibility Report.

Check out more results of the 2022 AMLI Sustainable Living Index!

Results of the 2022 AMLI Sustainable Living Index

Author of Article

Laura McComb is Sustainability Associate with AMLI and a LEED AP. She received the USGBC Georgia's Emerging Leaders Award in 2020.

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